Kara & Gene | Women's Athletic Club | Chicago, IL Wedding Photographer

Kara & Gene had a gorgeous Chicago wedding a few weeks ago, and it could not have been more perfect!  The weather was awesome, the venues were amazing and Kara and Gene are two of the most beautiful people, inside and out.  Their friends and family are as well, which I could tell by the way the groomsmen wanted everyone to keep partying, including several groups of strangers we passed on the street! :D We had so much fun, and I know that Kara and Gene will have an even more beautiful future. <3

"It's a lovely day today
So whatever you've got to do
You've got a lovely day to do it in, that's true

And I hope whatever you've got to do
Is something that can be done by two
For I'd really like to stay

It's a lovely day today
And whatever you've got to do
I'd be so happy to be doing it with you"

~ Ella Fitzgerald


2nd Photographer: Nick Lindenmayer

Venue: Women's Athletic Club

Flowers: Flowers For Dreams

Videographer: Wedding Films By Robert

All images are © Hazelton Photography 2017