Jenny & Brian | Herrington Inn | Geneva, IL Wedding Photographer

Jenny & Brian were married at one of my all time favorite places - Herrington Inn in Geneva!  Winter weddings are so elegant, and a fancy vintage hotel is the perfect backdrop for it.  Jenny & Brian have 5 kids between them, and their wedding was not just about bringing them together, but blending their lives into a new family.  The day was filled with so much love, I know they will have many more like it in their future!

"Some people search for a fountain
That promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them

Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share, with no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you"

~ Alicia Keys

2nd Photographer: Kate Kaplan

Venue: Herrington Inn

Officiant: Rent a Rev (Jim Rehnberg)

Flowers: Floral Wonders

DJ: Sounds Abound